My school lunch
четвер, 16 лютого 2017 р.
The Hard Kiss- Stones
Long ago wisemen were
walking throught a desert over there
They were running away from this world
Long ago wisemen truly found
That indeed
Our planet is round
And there's no way to run away
And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world
It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones
Ever since time has passed
Through the years, through the north and west
They were looking at us out of the sand
People were falling in love again
People were fighting till the end
And the wisemen were keeping the secret from us
And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world
It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones
Long ago wisemen truly found
That indeed
Our planet is round
And there's no way to run away
And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world
It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones
Ever since time has passed
Through the years, through the north and west
They were looking at us out of the sand
People were falling in love again
People were fighting till the end
And the wisemen were keeping the secret from us
And they turned into stones
Silent observers of the world
It's time to gather stones
It's time to figure out this world alone
Catch this fire that's coming out of stones
середа, 1 лютого 2017 р.
Слова за темою " Шкільна форма"
[] складатися з
logo [] скор. від logotype -логотип
to require- []- потребувати, наполягати
[] складатися з
belong []1) (to) належати, бути власністю
satisfy []
1) задовольняти, давати задоволення; угамовувати (голод)
2) приносити задоволення
3) відповідати (вимогам)
reason []причина; підстава
school uniform- шкільна форма
blazer []яскрава фланелева спортивна куртка; блейзер
tie []краватка
logo [] скор. від logotype -логотип
to develop school
spirit [] []
розвивати дух школи
give a sense of pride and discipline
- []I []
(] надавати почуття гідності та дисципліни
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